Small Flowered Clematis

Clematis Buckland Beauty

Clematis Buckland Beauty

Clematis Buckland Beauty is offered in a full gallon size with free shipping! Buckland Beauty is a native hybrid that produces lovely pink bells. It is most likely a cross of texensis and pitcheri. Buckland Beauty makes a great garland growing through a shrub. It was raised in the UK by Everett Leeds. UK, 1999.

Size: True Gallon

Shipping: Free!

Hardiness Zones: 4-9

Height: 8-10 feet

Bloom period: Summer

Flower Size: 1-2 inches

Pruning: 3

Attributes: Full sun, Partial shade, Pruning 3, Texensis, Zone 10, Zone 11, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9
